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A business’s brand is more than just a logo and a name. Branding is all about creating an experience, which is unique and directly associated with your specific company. With that said, your business should aim to convey a positive experience to the customers, so that they choose you over your competitors. If your brand fails to meet that objective, it is time to think about re-branding.


Partial or Total Re-Branding -What Should You Go For?

Before taking on the re-branding project, you need to consider whether you want a partial rebrand or a total rebrand. If your brand is already well-established and known, rebranding can cause you to lose customers. Therefore, for a well-known brand, partial rebranding is recommended- only if it is absolutely necessary.

However, in the case that your previously applied branding strategy experienced a complete failure, it is imperative to employ total rebranding.

Re-Determine Your Audience

Branding strategies are only effective if you target the right audience. Before you rebrand your company, it is imperative to conduct market research, using a variety of methods, such as focus groups, data analysis, and competitor research. In doing so, you can determine the type of audience who are buying your product and services, as well as what they are buying. Based on this information, you can create plans for rebranding, which are designed to accommodate your audience.

Re-state Your Company’s Mission, Vision, and Values

Your company’s vision refers to the things that you intend to achieve. Whereas, your mission comprises of the detailed methods that encourage you to achieve your vision. On the other hand, the company’s values include the reasons for your objectives. Re-determining your mission, vision and values are essential for re-branding as once these items are cleared, every initiative that your company takes in the future would be formed in consideration of this. As a result, your branding would be cohesive and strong.

Revive Your Slogan

Your brand’s slogan is a precise depiction of your values, mission, and vision. When you are rebranding, changing your slogan can become a necessity, if the previous slogan failed to capture the true essence of the brand. In order to change your slogan, you must prepare a catchy, captivating, and simple statement that completely defines your brand. A slogan can be poetic, metaphoric, instructional, complementing, or a claim.

Rehabilitate Your Brand’s Identity

Brand identity is what customers associate with your company. Hence, it is essential to revive the way customers relate to your brand. In order to do this, you can consider redesigning your logo, refreshing your content, and facilitating interaction with your target audience. You can slowly rebuild your brand’s identity by promoting new and improved methods, which align with your company’s mission and vision.


Re-branding can come at a risk, however, if your company is failing to provide the target customers with the desired experience, it is crucial to re-brand. You can follow the preceding tips to make sure that your brand defines everything you are willing to offer!

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